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Old 01-10-2009, 06:15 PM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Posts: 30

Originally Posted by swim View Post
Only people who make good music are in a place to call music bad?
Nope. People who try, people who put forth the same amount of energy as any band. Mainstream or indie. I have respect for basically any and every band I ever saw pouring buckets of sweat to an empty audience, who recorded it all in their own house because they never had the money for studio time, for the bands who spend time after the shows talking to fans because they really do mean something to them. I just don't like people whining about things they too, can achieve. It's silly. As for mainstream bands, good for them. I don't much care for most of the material, but they obviously worked hard enough to get themselves where they are. Their time will rise and fall, that's just the way it is, but they did it. That's what matters.
For your listening pleasure...
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