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Old 01-08-2009, 08:51 AM   #115 (permalink)
Gavin B.
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Originally Posted by sweet_nothing View Post
Donovan asked Bob to play that song. And wasnt it Donovan who was throwing the bottles in the 1st place?
You're right... I never heard Donovan's request for Baby Blue because of the poor sound quality but I can hear it now that you mentioned it.

The glass throwing incident wasn't Donovan's doing. Dylan seems to have gotten into a agrugment with one of the hangers-on who was involved in the incident. It's not clear if the glass thrower was part of Donovan's group of people or another group.

Both Dylan and the glass throwing dude seem very drunk. Donovan's only words came when Dylan ordered the guy to clean up the glass and Donovan says "I'll help man." I think a lot of Dylan's surly behavior in the hotel room scene can be attributed to his inebriated state of mind. Still it was interesting that Dylan allowed Pennebaker to include that rather unflattering incident in the final cut.

You can view that section of film by going to You Tube and entering the search phrase Bob Dylan Pissed & Drunk. Sorry but I'm not able to post a direct link to the video.
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