Well I'm a song writer and I just wrote this beautiful new love song but...here the thing.....I don't think people with less intelligent(no offense

)know what it mean,even i don't really get it the first time I wrote this but check it out if you knowwhat i'm saying.
You,the apple of my eye
You,the first love of my sight
You,the sould mate in my mind
Is only you
and only you
Who,the one by your side
who,will fight for your right
who,the love of my eye
is only you
and only you
Is you,to who I come true
Is you,that make me the who
Is you,and only you
To make me,someone for you
IT mostly the first sentence,but what u think???
PS:I just update a new part!,is till a draft BTW(I knwo I know...it chessy,the old part are color gray.)