Originally Posted by Double X
3rd album again because I haven't listened to it in awhile, but I thought it was a drastic change because Cale left they band and most his innovativeness left the band
"Murder Mystery" late on side 2 carries some experimental, sort of an extension of Lady Godiva's Operation concepts in a way. Otherwise you could say 1) it's a chance to explore Lou's songwriting which had been somewhat obscured prior or 2) to make such a chill album (well, sort of - it's a weird one when you look lyrically at "Jesus" and "I'm Set Free" and "Candy Says" and then there's "Some Kindsa Love" and "Beginning To See The Light" and "What Goes On" which all rock and have either a weird lyric or a weird sound per each) after such a noise-pit as White Light / White Heat is a pretty insane move on its own