-God, those are two albums that are very hard to match!Both of those are very acomplished albums, with depth, character and good musianship...
What could I suggest as something as good as those...
I guess I could go with a personal suggestion and recommend "After Everything Now This" by the Church, which kinda covers similar themes musically and lyrically to the two albums you mentioned... but you could also go with "Uninvited Like the Clouds" by the same band, which has some similarities to that early nineties era U2 stuff...
Or you could go with anything by the band James - a very U2 - ish sounding band - go with Millionaires or ...Pleased to Meet You for that nineties U2 feel...
"If you're like me, then it's possible you're a clone generated from my stolen DNA. I suggest you turn yourself in for destruction immediately" - Shaun Micallef.