You're serious right? Have you ever been to a hotel before? No matter how fancy they are, they begin to suck after 3 days. I know i've been in a $400 per day one, and hated it by day 2.
So? The players may not enjoy but don't act like they're fatigued from travel or that it actually has any effect on the game.
Winning the heisman is a curse, both in NC games and the NFC. More are bad in both game/league then are good.
He still put up huge numbers...Matt Leinart won the Heisman that year and USC still won the NC. You're grasping at straws and you've derailed this argument so far from it's original premise I don't know why I'm still talking to you.
Now to the GAME, THE TIME RAN OUT!, thats the first BLOWN call.. then when reggie pushes him. The play ends +15 yard pent and its GG ND win!
Fair enough. But USC was still the best team in the country.