Originally Posted by ProggyMan
It's a bowl game, they arrive a month before...
This is EVEN WORSE.. spending a month away from your home, USC CAN travel to their home EVERY night. You just made my point!
Originally Posted by ProggyMan
55-19...They put up 55 points on one of the top defenses in the country...
Like I said an overconfident team that can only run. I acturally called the score on this game 49-14 and everyone said I was crazy. Oklahoma went into wayy to ****y, which USC does every year.. but to ALOT worse teams.. Stanford? are you serious?
Originally Posted by ProggyMan
Well, if you wanna talk about blown calls the Rose Bowl against Texas was much worse...
Right minus the fact.. if the CORRECT call was made.. USC automatically LOSES.. there was no calls in the texas/usc game that automatically decided the outcome of the game. As I recall USC had the ball last and COULD NOT SCORE.
Originally Posted by ProggyMan
Oregon State isn't sub par, they beat a ranked team in their bowl game without their top two players. Besides, who cares if they get upset once a year, they've still won 11 games and 2 NCs in the past 6 seasons.
Completely ignoring all the other **** loses they had. Can you even name a year any other team from the PAC 10 won the NC. I can 1922!