Music Banter - View Single Post - The 10 Track Mixtape Thread (Song Lists Without Links Will Be Deleted)
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Old 01-01-2009, 11:06 PM   #693 (permalink)
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sorry i could not get the mp3s because my computer crashed and deleted my music files. cant always get what you want by the rolling stones.
it reminds me of my dad every time i hear it
2. ziggy starust by david bowie.
it has always seemed like it was my introduction into "art rock"
3. life is Beautiful by Sixx am.
me and my first girlfreind's jam. plus it has helped me through some depression when she broke up with me.
4.hey joe by Jimi Hendrix.
simply awesome
5. mama i am coming home by Ozzy Osbourne.
simply Beautiful. makes my teary eyed when i here it.
6. angel of death by Slayer.
when i first heard i thought "now i know what true thrash metal is!"
7. the trooper by iron maiden.
it reminds me of when me and my friends would listen to iron maiden and play air guitar.
8. enter sandman by metallica.
the first metallica song i ever heard.
9. american psycho by the misfits
something about i love
10. instutionalized by the suicidal tendencies.
It's only rock n' roll but i like it!:band:
99% percent of rock fans like at least 2 of the beatles albums but then there is me! Let it be is the only Beatles album i like!
:afro: yes i like barry white!
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