Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Not my top 5 bands but they're around there somewhere.
The Fall
1. Grotesque
2. Hex Enduction Hour
3. Dragnet
1. Overkill
2. Bomber
3, Ace Of Spades
1. Beggers Banquet
2. Exile On Main Street
3. Goats Head Soup
1. Astonishing Sounds Amazing Music
2. In Search Of Space
3. Quark, Strangeness And Charm / Hall Of The Mountain Grill (Really can't choose between these two)
Iggy Pop
1. New Values
2. Kill City
3. Lust For Life
You're list needs some revising.

Time for a reality check:
The Fall
1. The Wonderful and Frightening World of the Fall
2. This Nation's Saving Grace
3. Live at the Witch Trials
1. No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith [live]
2. Overkill
3. Ace of Spades
The Rolling Stones
1. 12 X 5
2. The Rolling Stones, Now!
3. Aftermath
1. Space Ritual [live]
2. Hall of the Mountain Grill
3. Quark Strangeness and Charm
Iggy Pop
1. Lust for Life
2. The Idiot
3. Brick by Brick
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