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Old 12-31-2008, 10:16 AM   #15 (permalink)
TheBig3's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Posts: 11,172

I love this idea but I have a couple questions.

1. Are we going to put some dates on this?? Certainly a "Finish by" date and possibly a "alright we're all going to get after it" date?

I'm thinking if people know when the discussion will begin we can space our free time better. Also, I'm thinking we should try to avoid spoilers, no?

2. I don't know if the person recommending it could post a little blurb, not uncommon to whats written on the back or on amazon? Just so we know what we're getting into?

Again, I love this idea. I was looking for a site to do this on but why not with people we're open with?
I've moved to a new address
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