well I'm here to get on a new hobbies as in singging and lyrics writing,I wrote many other parody but this one is my best so far,It a parody of take on me(I don't even know what to call as title for my parody yet)so check out and what u think

Dreaming all day
Seeing you a magical place
Love you everyday
Tonight I’m talking all about you
Pleasure all day
Using hand that all I needed
Take it off
Get on top
Just don’t stop
Just see you today
You hot and all but that who
Hard on at you
Never gonna get you but can’t do
Just say any
I know I like it when I’m playing you
Up and down
Side to side
Open wide
I’m coming
I love you all day
Remember you or I can’t say
Dream you O.K
You just a girl I can play with myself
Lying all day
You will get your love any day
Get it on
by myself
Light upon
Dream to you
The song basicaly about a guy dreamming with a girl but he can't get her so he have a me time if u know what I mean(TRUE STORY)