Originally Posted by jackhammer
I am taking Speed Racer on both counts and unfortunately the lame story means that once you have seen the visuals a couple of times then it does'nt merit repeat viewings IMO.
I'm not sure how well it'll hold up to repeat viewings and to be honest I don't want to find out, I had so much fun watching it the first time around. But again, you can't judge the story literally without taking into account that it was based on a cartoon. Hence its simplicity, the black and white morality, silly 60's humour, the heroism, and the predictably positive climax. But like I said, it's all tongue in cheek, and very obviously so, which is why any serious criticism of said elements misses the mark.
Apropos Santa Sangre, I watched about 30 minutes of The holy mountain and that was enough to put me off Jodorowsky's entire filmography. Not a fan of acid inspired films.