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Old 12-26-2008, 02:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Cooking On Glass - A selection of Philip Glass Compositions

I've only chosen 5 for now, I may do another 5 later on if anyone is interested. Most of the tracks are long enough though. I've been into Philip Glass for quite a while now and just love to chill out to his recordings, especially with a drink and having some visualisations on my TV and the lights out.

It's quite tricky picking tracks as Glass is normally an album composer. Most tracks on one album are fairly similar with slight themes on each other, designed to be listened to as a whole.

Anyways, I hope someone enjoys this short selection. I messed up when ripping so the tracks are probably going to appear in a different order to what I had intended, which is:

1) Anthem Part 2 (3:48)- Some people may recognise this track from The Truman Show but it originally appeared on Powaqqtsi
2) Pruit Igoe (7:52)- Possibly Glass' most famous work. It appears on Koyaanisqatsi and has been featured on GTA 4 and numerous adverts, tv shows, etc.
3) Truman Sleeps (1:51)-A beautiful short piano piece for The Truman Show
4) Mad Rush (13:44)- A typical piano piece by Philip Glass, featuring slow movements and quick trills. Has appeared on Top Gear.
5) Metamorphosis One (5:40)- Another typical piano piece from his Solo Piano album. All the tracks on this album are similar and are designed for listening as a whole

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