PJ Harvey-Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (2000)

Although the angst from her earlier output is missing to a certain extent, this still proves and confirms that PJ Harvey is a damn good songwriter and can imbue her music and lyrics with heart and soul without resorting to cliches.
'Beautiful Feeling' and 'Horses In My Dreams' show PJ delivering her bittersweet trademark lyrics over simple yet exquiste acoustic guitars. Album opener 'Big Exit' is the nearest thing she has come to Pop, if you could ever call PJ pop that is.
PJ is never afraid to fill her music with what she is feeling at the time. She can tread dark paths but she wont leave you feeling isolated. She can rant and wail yet you don't feel excluded. She can crank up the raw guitar sound and still be tender. Quite simply, this is up there with 'Horses' as one of the very best ballsy Female albums.
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