Originally Posted by jackhammer
I agree with Janszoon a little on this. The accent seems to overpower the music at points which is a damn shame as the 'gothic country' sound is excellent. the vocals may grow on me but if people are into stuff like Nick Cave should check this guy out. They don't sound similar but they employ a similar asthetic.
The aesthetics of the goth lyrics was actually my point in the OP with Cave as a reference point but you knew that

I understand that the vocal style would put a fair few off. In fact 99.9% of the listening public who are open to something different I would suggest. I dread to think what the more conservative types would say

But that is not an issue for me. After as many years of listening to music I need to be challenged at times and this has been a good one for that. I am liking the album a fair bit more with a few plays. I have acquired the taste
Janszoon I have played Pictures From Life's Other Side a couple of times now but not yet Temporary Shelter. Pictures From Life's Other Side is as you said a cleaner sound and more produced. Not sure that I like that as much as Wrong Side of Memphis as that seems a fresher sound but I have not played it enough so time will tell.