Originally Posted by sleepy jack
But if you can't experience your essence's persistence then is it really life? What is your essence anyway? I consider myself defined by my thoughts and all my actions are usually presupposed by some thought. So if my brain dies and I stop thinking then I stop acting and ultimately experiencing any form of life as I know it. I don't believe that just because some subatomic matter continues that I will necessarily continue as I am now. I have never in my life heard someone define God or Soul or a soul in any way that can be really sensibility discussed.
I understand that the world exists to me only as a manifestation of my senses and for all I know I'm some alien experiment and this is all fake but I may as well operate in the reality I'm dealing with. And in doing that I've concluded that there can't really been an after life unless my brain somehow takes on a ghostly form, which I don't believe could happen. I think if you choose to operate and think within these rules than you'll find we know way more than you're giving credit for. As I stated there's rules of logic that everyone follows in every realm of life except the spiritual realm and when you apply it there the existence of an after life looks highly unlikely.
In that case, I´ll attempt to define the soul and God. The soul is that which is common to all of us, can also be thought of as ´the will,´ it lies beneath our thoughts and is not defined by them. Rather, our personality is defined by our thoughts and actions, but these are simply the result of our soul interacting mechanically with every other soul. However, it only seems like there are a multitude of souls from our position, since we are entrenched in reality. Really there is only one soul, which reflects itself infinitely to interact with itself and avoid boredom. This is what is commonly refered to as God, so the only difference between us and God is that we are trapped in reality and hence have a limited perspective. The `random´ interaction of molecules or atoms is the will communicating with itself. Interpersonal interactions are the same. So are the movements of celestial bodies. When you die, you step outside your body and realize yourself as every soul simultaneously, which makes everything feel very very very pointless so you can either step into another body or into the void.
I only half-believe this, because it´s a somewhat comforting idea, but I think it´s pretty hard to disprove.