Hard On's - Dickcheese (1988)

This is not of the finest albums ever made by far. However it does have a huge nostalgic factor for me. I first heard this when a local punk band were tuning up in a local flea pit when everyone knew everyone. This was being played over the pubs system and it was such a blast. I asked stig (bands drummer) who it was and he said he had just imported it on vinyl that day but he would do me a copy. The wanker never did and I have been forever searching for it and nearly 20 years later, found it a few months back.
I had to approach this album with trepidation though. It was half a life time away, I was originally drunk on a pathetically small amount of alcohol when I heard it. Let's just listen to it and file it away under teenage folly I said to myself...Guess what? It did'nt happen. It was EXACTLY as I remembered. Flawed-yes but undeniably a riot. Years before the Pop-Punk phenomonem gained momentum in America, the Hard On's were belting out frat jokes and bubblegum Pop Punk with righteous infectiousness.
As already stated. It's not a classic by far but it's damn fun and genuinely was a breath of fresh air in '88 when punk was essentially buried under a tidal wave of Thrash/Death Metal. Maybe this is why I dislike Green Day so much. Although they have dissimilar sounds, The Hard On's were essentially doing the same thing but with added humour and a distinctly non commercial attitude. this is the only half decent YT vid I could find but if you want a listen just PM.
*apologies. This should have been before Hawkwind alphabetically.