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Old 04-15-2005, 12:32 PM   #81 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 368

Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
SlayeReyalS, I am not 13 years old. I'm 22. Look in my ****ing profile. It says that I'm 22. Get your ****ing facts straight, **** breath. And Slayer is one of the most OVERRATED bands in music history. The majority of heavy metal music SUCKS ASS. I listen to pop, rock, jazz, instrumental, techno, pop-rock, alternative, R&B, I even like some rap music & some disco music. But I HATE heavy metal & country.
just because your profile says 22 doesnt mean you are 22. if i put myself as 101 years old, that doesnt mean im really 101 years old. and you dont act anywhere around 22 years old, you're just showing us all that you're a stupid kid pretending to be 22.

Linkin Park is way more overrated than Linkin Park. take notice that a lot of people started listening to LP not for him, but for JayZ. they dont give a **** about Linkin Park, they're just listening because JayZ formed with them. and then they say "OMG LP rocks!!!" if that doesnt scream "overrated", i dont know what does. Slayer only looks overrated because every metal head likes them. well, they want talented music. Slayer is extremely talented music. Linkin Park is not talented music, because their synthesis/piano/whatever is VERY untalented, and they dont need turntables, but they do, because thats all that guy could do. thats not very talented. Slayer's members all have great talent, great music, and thats why so many people like them. because theyre really really talented. thats not overrated. bands like U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, LINKIN PARK, Muse, Hoobastank, and a bunch of those stupid mainstream bands are EXTREMELY overrated and untalented. thats because most people listen to what the radio plays only, and never bother to search for music from the music store. thats probably what you do, huh?

saying heavy metal sucks ass means you think that talent sucks ass. and its true isnt it? you're jealous of talented bands, so you say they suck. thats why you listen to pop, techno, pop-rock, alternative, r&b, rap, and disco. you're listening to a bunch of untalented music and staying away from your jealousy of talented music. your only acception of talent is jazz. but who cares? its rare that you see anyone listen to jazz anymore. metal is real talent. you just cant accept that.

in conclusion, you arent a music know-it-all, you're just a loser who is bothering people on musicbanter.
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