Here`s 5 of mine....
1. The Cure - Wish

The Cure pander to their new found American audience by making the safest , blandest record of their career ,and sure enough they lap it up & it sells by the millions..... ****ing awful.
2. Alice Cooper - Lace & Whiskey

Alice attempts to become a 50s style crooner , and falls flat on his arse. I can count how many times i`ve listened to my Alice Cooper albums to the nearest thousand , this one i`ve listened to twice.Both times it never even made it halfway through before being thrown off the stereo & made to gather dust on the shelf.And if thats not bad enough here`s 2 words that`ll put you off even more ....'concept album'
3. Blur - Think Tank

Memo to Damon Albarn
1. Stop being such a miserable git
2. Pull your head out of your arse
3. Bring back Graham Coxon
4. Stop trying my patience releasing utter garbage like this
4. REM - Around The Sun

Around the bottom of my CD collection
5. Massive Attack - 100th Window / Danny The Dog OST
(I would have pictures here but it only lets you post 4 grrr)
Massive Attack albums are like busses , you wait ages for one & then 2 come along all at once.Sadly it seems somebody pissed in the back seat in both.