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Old 12-18-2008, 10:53 PM   #66 (permalink)
Kamikazi Kat
Music Addict
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Michigan
Posts: 329

I live in the downriver area from Detriot, Michigan, which is basically far enough away from Detroit to be a nice little quiet suburb but is still close enough for everybody from my school to put "Detroit" as their location down for their Xbox Live profile so everybody thinks they live in the ghetto and are all hip and ballin', but thats not the point. Heres the run-down:

25%) Progressive metal, hardcore and classic rock
25%) Ska and Punk
50%) Basically any mainstream stuff

Most people who are more musical (as in they either play an instrument, have a sibling who plays an instrument, or just love music in general, ect.) tend to listen to either the metal side of the spectrum or the ska side of the spectrum, some are both. The rest of your average joe's out there usually just listen to anything they hear on the radio, but thats not really the 'scene' because they aren't the ones forming bands and playing at venues around town. The rest aren't really active in music or anything.
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