Music Banter - View Single Post - Worst Metal Band Ever?
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Old 04-14-2005, 08:35 PM   #69 (permalink)
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But, I never answered the question!!!!!!!!! omg.
Worst Metal Band?????!?!?!
Worst metal band that is around now would have to be Pantera because I don't really care for or remember any new Russian **** that's been coming out. Otherwise I would bash on one of them.
Hey let's play a game real quick though, it's called "Guess Who"?
Here it goes.....
"Iron Maiden and Slayer don't even compare with some of the history making new **** that has been coming out!!!! I mean it's like I'm living in the Golden Age of music!!! How can you even try to compare Iron Maiden to Linkin-Park?????? Linkin-Park kicks the **** out of Iron Maiden and Slayer!!! I mean gosh, did you hear all the little asian guys on Linkin-Park??? And that one guy can rap (Super dee-duper)!!! It's ground-breaking! duh......"
A mi no me importa nada
Para mi la vida es un sueƱo
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