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Old 12-13-2008, 12:13 AM   #186 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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Originally Posted by 4ZZZ View Post
I was never a fan of Australian pub rock scene. Chisel/Barnes, INXS and Hunters & Collectors, The Angles are a few that come to mind. I always found my self disappointed that these generic style rock bands that offered little made massive sales and sold out gigs while something unique sounding like The Triffids just as an example was being given short shrift. If I ever ever hear Khe San again it will be far too soon. Appalling karaoke classic that has a generation of beer swilling 40 something males crying in their Crown Lagers at BBQ's. Yuk!

When l looked over the Tasman at the scene in New Zealand I had a sense that there was something vital scene happening with the Dunedin sound and I was missing out. What did we have? Bogan and Classic rock radio force fed to a less than discerning public.
I'm finally getting into the classic NZ indie nowadays. The Able Tasmans, the Verlaines and the 3Ds are all great bands.
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