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Thread: The BCS
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Old 12-12-2008, 12:51 AM   #54 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Maine, US
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Oregon's OOC
Lost to boise st,

Oregon's St OOC
Lost Penn St
Lost Utah
Won Hawaii (7-6)

Cal's OOC
Lost Maryland

Arizona St' OOC
Lost Georgia

Stanford's OOC
Lost TCU
Lost Notre Dame

Lost BYU
Lost Fresno St.

Washington OOC/Conference
Lost every game

So what you're telling me is the Pac 10 isn't bad ? They're TERRIBLE and their collective OOC proves that. USC plays in a B---- conference and you know it. If they played in the Big 12 they would get rolled by Oklahoma, Texas tech and Texas. I know how you love history, because of this I'll remind you when USC was considered the best team of all times (reggie bush, lienart etc). What happened when they played Texas (big 12)?

Also out of 24 possible people to win an award at the end of the year only 1 Pac 10 player was selected as a possible canidate vs 11 from the Big 12.

Last edited by thegoldlaw; 12-12-2008 at 04:32 AM.
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