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Thread: The Hated
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Old 12-11-2008, 11:43 PM   #6 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 237

Originally Posted by swim View Post
I can't really bear The Pine or Evergreen but I like these guys.
Check out their Self-Titled and the Homeless Life 7". The other stuff is ok, but these two are my favorites. Also, it sounds much better on record/CD than the ripped mp3s you find around. In the mp3s, the drums have a really annoying rattling sound that sort of overwhelms everything else.

Also, check out Three Shades of Dirty, similar to The Hated, but a lot easier to get into (someone recently made a new rip of the tape without the static noise in the song Stalemate). And if you've heard other stuff but not their Everysong LP, you should check that out. After listening to that LP for a while, you'll probably want to hear more and find that the other records of theirs you didn't enjoy before you now enjoy a lot.
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