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Old 12-10-2008, 03:41 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by This_Is_Corey View Post
I read an interview and the intervierer asked them why they suck live and they said they brought up a good point. They're young and getting alot of publicity. Everyone expects them to have it all figured out, but there still working out all the kinks in live shows and everything.

That being said they do suck live.
hahahahah, I have a theory that any electronic band will seriously suck live. Who wants to hear a computer perform? Now, I do think some of their album is not electronic, actually worth listening to, and not all exactly like Time To Pretend, Electric Feel and Kids. Those of you who said you only listened to part of the album, I assume heard those, as they are the popular ones. But, again, I gotta go with my electronic bands should be heard on an album with their friendly computers making it pretty. Save concerts for real musicians. (too harsh?)

OK, I just realized that Radiohead HAS to be excluded from my statement, for reasons obvious to us all.
I only listen to music that doesn't exist yet.
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