Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
I'm 22 years old, not 13. And Slayers SUCKS ASS. They're a bunch of overrated dip****s.
Yeah I don't think so. Im not a huge fan of slayer, and I don't own their albums, but if you think their overrated then you clearly "Don't know it all." Slayer helped mature a genre (a genre which happens to be on par with jazz and classical for techinical ability) into the force it is today.
Linkin Park followed Rage/Limp on the rap rock trail and managed to added in emo and nu metal. Whatever crap genre you allign them with, it will never be one regarded for its musicianship and you'll be lucky to see them in 10 years save for a reunion tour. Behold; the Duran Duran of the 90's/ought's.