The BCS is not that bad, it's better then the old system, it's just not the best system.
Is there any fan who would not rather see an 8 team tournament featuring USC, Alabama, Florida, Penn State, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Boise State?
Rate them as the BCS has them
First Round
#1 Oklahoma vs. #8 Boise State - Fiesta Bowl
#2 Florida vs. #7 Penn State - Gator Bowl
#3 Texas vs. #6 Utah - Cotton Bowl
#4 Alabama vs. #5 USC - Orange Bowl
OU\BSU winner vs. Bama\USC Winner - Sugar Bowl
Fla\PSU winner vs. Texas\Utah winner - Orange Bowl
BCS Champioship Game
Everyone's so simple.
Me, Myself and I United as One
Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
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My Van Morrison Discography Thread