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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 12-08-2008, 08:33 PM   #277 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
I don't know if I brought this up before. But since theres some hardcore Jackson fans here, I wonder if any of you can shed some light on this.

Theres this urban legend that Michael Jackson actually wrote the music for the video game Sonic the Hedgehog 3, but he wasn't credited because of the child molestation controversy.

I think it's true, because several of Jacksons session musicians were credited in the game. And the music sounds VERY Michael Jacksony, though it could just be a tribute.

For example, the end credits to the game sound exactly like Stranger of Moscow, a song Jackson didn't release until a few years after the game. Who Is It sounds almost identical to the Ice Cap Zone theme when sped up, parts of Carnival Night Zone sound like Jam, Knuckles theme sounds like the beat from In The Closet.

I think a guy who actually worked for Sega confirmed this.

Just a weird bit of Jackson trivia there.

Very True.

One of the people in charge of developing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 revealed in a interview that at one point Michael Jackson composed the music to Sonic 3Jackson wrote music for the game, however the same guy stated that Jackson’s music had to be replaced, at great cost. The reason behind
Jackson’s replacement was because MJ was in a full sex scandal when the game was in development. Sega panicked and didn’t want the scandal to have negative effects on their game. You see some of Jackson’s tracks and cord progressions made it into the game which you have already stated. The mini-boss song has actual voice samples from Jackson.
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