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Thread: Body Art?
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Old 12-08-2008, 04:59 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
Jackhammer, I must disagree with tattoo's losing there "mystique". There is a clear line between someones tattoo that was just random or looked cool, and one that really relates to the wearer. To me at least, I find it is an easy spot when someone picked a tattoo without thinking, and when t has an air f mystery and meaning surrounding it. Also I think the more people that have piercing and tattoos the better. It means that society is opening up to non conventional ways of living.

I have a lion on each forearm because I am a Leo. (birthday is 8/21) Right now I believe I have 6 piercings all of which are in my ears. I plan on getting D J M R put across my back when the money comes my way. Each letter standing for a member of my immediate family.
I'm not saying completely at all, a lot has to do with the reasons behind them and how relevant they are. Years ago a full tattoo sleeve was a complete no no, now so many people are wearing sleeveless tops with hundreds of tattoo's and it just seems so ordinary now. Damn I love tattoos and want more but only for the right reasons. I mean; the one on my neck is not visible unless my t-shirt has a low neckline.

As for the seven piercings:

3 in ear lobe
1 in ear pinna
1 in ear tragus
1 in nose
1 in eyebrow

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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