Originally Posted by Obdurate
Thanks jackhammer... sort of, lol.
I mean, you're completely right when you say this:
The only thing I would really argue is the generic comment. I really don't think Slipknot is generic and one of those reasons is because they've mixed a lot of different genres into their music.
I am aware that very few will agree with me here, but y'know, that's life.
.... What?! Honestly, I've heard alot of bull**** about slipknot by their fans, but this is a first.
I'm not (or try not) to judge you for liking slipknot. I like some nu-metal as well, such as Disturbed, Mushroomhead, Mudvayne, and Lacuna Coil. But I would never say any of these bands were just as good or better as, say, Death or Kataklysm.
Here's my opinion of Slipknot; I think all of them, except Joey, Mick, and James, are leeches on the genre of metal. Joey and Mick I can see making better progress as musicians if they got out of such a crappy band.... James, I guess, could tag along, too. But they rest of them are just GOD ****ING AWFUL.
Second; if you have 9 members in a band, you better be making some AWESOME mind-boggling music. Power Chords, not-so-creative basslines are a no-no. Dry humping your synth board wearing a pinhead bondage *** mask is not being a musician. Standing on your drums masturbating your mic, or wrestling with your band mates on stage, NOT MUSIC. **** the masks, they have much bigger issues. And Corey; just no. Tone-deaf live, and horrible screamer.
And, dunno who said it, but yes, we are entitled to listen to some cheese, but to me, Slipknot is like that non-dairy, non-fat, soy crap that's been sitting in your refrigerator for years, and no one will throw it away, so it stays in there are gets all moldy and smelly, and like it's smell overwhelms everything else in the fridge and it's all crappy and it sucks.... wasn't meaning to make a metaphor out of it but... yeah.