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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 12-07-2008, 10:34 AM   #270 (permalink)
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Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Posts: 16

I only got through the first 10 pages, since most of this is just bashing and some kid trying to post facts he knows squat about.
But with that being said;
I grew up on MJ, Madonna, and Prince [being that I lived with my brother for a time, a homosexual male.] and I love them all. Regardless of what everyone else says about it and thinks about their music. [I respect your opinion, Jack, saying that Madonna is trash. Just the same as I respect everyone else's opinions on why you hate, or love the above artists, so could no one crap all over my life, please? Lol.]

I love Bad, Off the Wall, History, Thriller, and really, anything he's made up until after Off the Wall.

I will never call a band, or artist, or song, or anything else related to music for that matter trash. I respect music much too much. And I think that all music had a purpose to the person who made it. Who took the time to work on it. Do I think some songs possibly should have been never been made? Sure. But at the same time I think that every piece of music has a reason to that person. Be it Money, love, a message, getting to their listeners, hitting it big, etc.

And now I'm going on about nothing.
What I'm really trying to say here, is that I do like MJ, his personal life aside. But I do not think he is the best or most influential person ever.
So what if he's called the King of Pop? Elvis was called the king too, way back when, and look what happened to him.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
And accepting people's opinions goes both ways.
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