An unbreif introductory
I just came back from being in a very large art show of which I spent fourteen hours at.. only to search google for a music board.
here I am!
Music and art are what keep me breathing.
I first began piano lessons as a young teenager. They were unsuccessful as my teacher was rather unpleasant. (Yet, I can teach myself difficult pieces, and play them nicely, albeit it takes me time to work them out.) Thus I was put into voice lessons, which were successful until I realized my shyness. However I did compete in the Royal Conservatory of music and did well.
I also play the violin and find it my souls desire. I recently was having mine fixed, and I found it taking too long so I rented a viola which I have been playing recently. I love the sound it makes, but find it incomparable to the capacity of my old violin.
Playing guitar for me has been a little less serious, But having the experience of the violin made it easy to learn. I love the sound of the acoustic guitar.
Although I regrettably cannot say that violin is my best instrument, I will have to admit that I play the alto saxophone the greatest. I have been playing it for seven years, but find it warming to play a good ol' "Don't cry for me Argentina". I have been playing Baritone for half a year with my band now. But I intend on pursuing Jazz music with the alto saxophone.
My aspiration, musically. Is to learn many instruments including the banjo, and really just to enhance my skills at the violin. I would absolutely love to learn to create a hand-made violin. Perhaps one day I will reach this goal.
For now, music is what truly keeps my soul with breath.