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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 12-06-2008, 04:54 PM   #262 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Then why excuse him doing it?
First and foremost, nobody knows if Michael Jackson did what he was accused of doing AND I'm not making an excuse for Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is going to do whatever the hell he wants to do. ALot of the things that he does is eccentric but that is because of his childhood and upbringing. He never had a childhood so to him that may be in the norm for him. He has said he slept on the floor AND anyway that doesn't necessarily mean that he would commit a sexual act just because his in the company of a child. But folks love to assume the negative. A man lost his childhood and he is trying to go about reliving it in the wrong way and it goes against the eyes of society thats my opinion on it.

I just think its unfair to judge a person you know nothing about. Maybe learn about his life story and maybe you might understand why he does some of the things that he does BUT its really not that important once again its a music thread.

If you want to sit here and analyze why Michael Jackson does this or that OR the trial, then your in the wrong thread period.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Yes they do , they follow laws just like the rest of us have to. If you want to put them up on a pedestal , fine. I choose not to.
I'm not putting them on a pedestal you are. I've stated their not perfect. If Michael Jackson whats to give a explanation on his private life or anything he does that is UP TO HIM otherwise he doesn't owe nobody nothing, that is HIS choice. Just because he chooses not to, should not be held against him but since America is consumed with pop culture, they will come up with their own mess to give to the masses. Were here to talk about Music and if you choose not why continue to discuss things that is not about Jacksons music?

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I don't try to change anyone's opinions I just express mine. That is the nature of a forum. You think me expressing my opinions is me using my status to an advantage.
The main reason I was made a moderator in the first place was because I did this already. A forum is about debate and that's what we encourage. I disagree with lots of people here but I don't start throwing a hissy fit over it.
Urban. I dont think that but what I do think is when other people have different opinions from the main folks that run this thing, sometimes you people threaten to ban them because their opinion is different from yours OR some folks are disrespectful as far as respecting other people's opinions just can.

There are alot of opinions on this board that I find ridiculous, immature, biased and narrow minded but you know what I still TRY to respect it no matter how ludacris it sounds.

Debates are fine BUT when you constantly bring up things that are irrelavant to music, lack to be open minded, state a fact that is just an opinion OR bash the other person that has a different opinion that you, how is the debate fair or even interesting to the other person. How is the debate intesting period?

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
When have you ever done that here ?
I don't think i've ever seen you post anything other than something that could come straight out of Jacksons PR company.
Where's your intelligent open minded debate?
Apparently we're not mature , open minded or unbiased just because some of us disagree with you. Well that's a real mature , unbiased opinion to have isn't it?
I have posted other than here
and why make that an excuse for the immature crap that goes on on this board it doesn't prove anything. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing but when you bring up irrelavent things, make immature cracks, and numerous things I've mentioned already its immature and tiring because you people do it all the time.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I said I thought Off The Wall was a piece of pop genius and so have quite a few people in this thread so that kind of proves that point , and the one before it wrong.
Then what point are you trying to make with constantly bringing up the trial or his personal business that you know nothing about?
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