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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 12-06-2008, 03:40 PM   #256 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I noticed you never answered the question I posed a while back

Would YOU allow your kids to sleep in his bed.

What's that got to do with anything. It's not like we're discussing some obscure soul/funk act here.
What a ridiculous question
Why? Why does it matter. It is irrelavant to Jackson's music but I'll answer your immature question.
To answer your (and that isn't because of the allegations) I wouldn't let my child sleep with any 50 year old man whether they are accussed of a crime or not.

Originally Posted by arX View Post
how's it goin, girl.

it's always a tough crowd when discussing Michael Jackson without the masses indulging in tabloid perceptions and corny celeb-obsessed culture talk or even getting into irrational comparisons (see Prince vs. Jackson) all of which only proves further their music-dyslexia complex.

but it's an even tougher crowd when you do it in a joint where the Soul/Funk section constitutes less than 1% of the forum's discussion.
Well said.

Right. Michael Jackson and the rest of pop culture are only here to entertain. They don't owe the public no explanation no reason for any of the things they do. They are not perfect. They are JUST entertainers. And this is not a forum to discuss personal business that nobody on this board knows anything about. Were here to talk about MUSIC thats it. ALot of people on this board are very narrow minded with music despite what they think about there own music taste. Any real music fan knows its ridiculous to compare Prince and Michael Jackson

Agree with the Soul/Funk thread..

The moderators are worse than the folks that come here because they run the board but they mistakenly think they can run people and their opinions and they can't. They use their status to their advantage.
They spend most of their time trying to prove a point thats irrelavant.

Don't sweat it with talking to these people
There is no point in having a Real, Mature, Intelligent, and Unbiased music discussion with these folks because they are not open minded, they could care less about your opinion, their very immature and their ultimately going to think what they want to think. They dont like Michael Jackson or his music BUT yet they continue to come into this thread and bombard with nonscence which is beyond ridiculous.
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