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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 12-03-2008, 07:13 PM   #238 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
No , what you said is that nobody on this forum has a worthwhile opinion because our soul/funk forum isn't the busiest.
i never did, mate. and certainly didn't mean to imply. what i said:
it's always a tough crowd when discussing Michael Jackson without the masses indulging in tabloid perceptions and corny celeb-obsessed culture talk or even getting into irrational comparisons (see Prince vs. Jackson) all of which only proves further their music-dyslexia complex.

but it's an even tougher crowd when you do it in a joint where the Soul/Funk section constitutes less than 1% of the forum's discussion.
and by this i mean that the probability of finding a healthy and constructive artistic discussion regarding Jackson's work would be narrowed down considering the show of the lack of soul/funk fans around here. and judging by a lot of the responses in this thread, they are clearly more narrow-minded than you're claiming me to be - it's these responses that prompted me to take that dig.

A large majority of this forum is under 20 years old. Like I said earlier Jackson hasn't made anything worth listening around 20 years,
i'm 21, does that mean i only just started appreciating the history of art before my time? at 16 i was flipping Roy Ayers with 2-step garage.

i don't buy that argument unless you're telling me the average age in this joint is 13.

i've come across too many young music lovers who are fans of material beyond the marketed fluff put out by today's labels (or Disney) and before their time - actually all you hear on the net is bitching over how ****ed up our current industry is. a common issue is kids growing up listening to their parents' tastes and actually digging the music. and many others at the least can recognise and respect the foundational work which led to the inspiration of today's music (be it mainstream or 'underground'), otherwise why the toss would you be on a dedicated music board, lol.

i'm willing to take another intelligent guess and say that the young demographic you're referring to here are mainly fans of bands and acts who were in their prime from before our time.

Last edited by arX; 12-03-2008 at 09:20 PM.
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