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Old 12-02-2008, 03:59 PM   #675 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Sorry for the double post.
I decided to ditch my avant-garde compilation, cuz some of it is just too weird. But if any of you are still interested, I'll post it.(WARNING: Half of it is utterly weird, and might not be good on the ears )
I did put some few tracks together in the last few mins though, mostly tracks that rock out. Some of it is psychedelic, some quite bluesy and many are quite progressive. This is mostly the kinda stuff I first started out with, and still enjoy it from time to time.(lets just say, a more popular version of these bands)

Track Listing

1. Fusion Orchestra - Sonata In Z
They sure did have a crazy vocalist .

2. Nektar - Crying In The Dark
A band that had a lot of krautrock influences, but this one is bit more on the progressive rock side.

3. Nektar - King Of Twilight
Just a continuation of the previous one. Might as well add it.

4. Twink - Ten Thousand Words in a Cardboard Box
Sometimes sounds like a proto-version of hawkwind, sometimes they just sound silly. Makes me wonder about the 'unofficial' British krautrock scene.

5. Flower Travellin' Band - Satori pt.4
Take the best part of Black Sabbath and led zeppelin, add a progressive element to it and some usual Japanese weirdness! These guys rocked and rocked hard. Love those vocals .

6. Savoy Brown - Master Hare
A nice bluesy instrumental.

7. Mountain - Never In My Life
Continuing on with the blues, this one sounds a bit dirtier.

8. Buldožer - Helga
A previously Yugoslavian(Slovenia) avant-garde rock band that well, kinda rocked out at times. This is one of their more accessible tracks. The CD was hard to find, but whats even harder was the lyrics translation.(where I've had absolutely no luck yet)

9. High Tide - Futilist's Lament
One of the very early metal acts. Their music does sound a bit simple, but well, this was back in 1969.

10. T2 - In Circles
Another hard-rockish prog. song. Their drummer was kinda wild .

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