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Old 12-01-2008, 12:03 PM   #3 (permalink)
Laces Out Dan!
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
How much protein total are you taking? I'm assuming you know just taking supplements won't do much. Oh and I think 5 days a week is a bit too much man...:\

I'm going all natural...
5 Days is about as much as you should do. And Im only taking about 60 grams a day of protein. On days I work out I drink some in the morning with breakfast, and then a shake with the creatine in it as well immediatly after my workout.

Originally Posted by thegoldlaw View Post
Not a fan of creatine or taking protein outside of its natural forms. But I do like that you realize they hinder the body and taking measures to prevent it. You know you can get both in their natural form just by eating beef or fish?

From my personal experience its more important when you consume food/supplyments rather then the food/supply you consume.

Personally I like 4 pieces of wheat toast with jelly and a bottle of gatorade before I go to the gym. This gives me simple and complex carbs along with electrolyte. I find ample energy in the lifts I do. As soon as my workout is done I like to consume any food, doesn't even matter what it is so long as it can be consumed as energy. When I get home I'll consume a form of protein and some complex carbohydrates. If you have the luxary to sleep right after you lift then do so. This gives your body a chance to recuperate without constantly being torn up from constant movement the rest of the day.

Also what are you trying to accomplish while lifting? Gaining functional strength, gaining size or trying to lose weight ?
Both size and strength. When I was working out in highschool I started at about 160 and by the end of the semester was up to 170 which is huge for me because I have such a fast metabolism and was so active as well with running 3-4 times a week and having basketball basically 4-5 days a week for the first bit. I was even on Carb Loaders which gave me about 800-850 calories a shake. But now Im not taking those just because Im not as active as I am in highschool and even though I still really struggle to put weight on, it is easier now than it was.
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