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Old 11-30-2008, 05:03 PM   #650 (permalink)
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I listened to your compilation a couple of times as well.

Anyways, from what I heard -

16 Horsepower - Fire Spirit - Alt. country is really not my thing I'm afraid, but I found this listenable. Wasn't all that bad I guess.

Alexisonfire - You Burn First - Well, I've listened to the entire album before, and I kinda liked it. Nothing to be blown away with though.

Asian Dub Foundation - Naxalite - Didn't set my world on fire or any such thing, but I found it highly enjoyable.

At The Drive-In - Lopsided - Didn't do much for me I'm afraid . I quite like Relationship of Command, but well, listening to this "lighter" track alone seemed kinda dull.

Bad Brains - F.V.K. - While I'm not a big fan of Bad Brains, I still do quite like their S/T and Rock for Light. So yeah, they're fine in my book, but I prefer other hardcore punk bands.

Beulah - Silver Lining - Did you just say "Catchy, fun, indie pop"? Those are terms I can't stand an entire album of(unless done very well), but listening to few catchy - pop songs once in a while is always fine with me. Wasn't all that great, but I didn't dislike it either.

Bob Dylan - It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry - Wonderful track, but well, like you said, most would have already listened to it. Still doesn't matter though whether It's popular or not. I loved it and that's all it mattered.

Cancer Bats - French Immersion - Failed to impress me, but it was definitely enjoyable.

The Clash - 1977
- A great great track, and I've already got this. Still though, never hurts listening to it again.

Descendents - Cool To Be You - I guess you saw this coming, but my least favorite from the compilation .

So, overall, I liked some of it, and others, not so much. As for your "musical taste"...I'm not goona judge. I think it's a stupid term. Listen to whatever you like . Thanks for the compilation.
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