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Old 11-29-2008, 04:19 PM   #3 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
The easiest way is to stop babying your damn guitars and treat them like the tools they are instead of your unborn children. My guitars all have their fair share of dings and nick and even on the expensive ones as long as its not something huge, I couldn't give two ****s.
YES. absolutely.

there is very little more annoying than being at a jam with people who are overprotective about their 'babies'. but it goes both ways, if you've got a some sort of crazy vintage piece then yeah i can understand being protective. same goes with the behaviour of your bandmates, if they're all drunk and smashing things around then step up and address the issue in the moment. don't wait until a few days later to remind them to be nicer with your gear. but if they're just really getting into the music and grooving along then belt rash is gonna happen eventually.

when someone shows me the 'baby' they've had for years and it looks exactly the same as any number of guitars still on the wall in a music store my first thought isn't 'wow, that's a really nice guitar'. my first thought is 'wtf is wrong with this guitar that it never gets played?'

dings and scratches are called 'cosmetic' blemishes for a reason. they don't affect the tone or playability of the instrument, only its look. the better an instrument is the more likely i am to play it and the more likely it is to accidentally get dinged or scratched, it's a measure of it's use. i really don't buy the idea that an instrument should always look the way it did in the store.

hell, i'm still waiting for the day when i finally start breaking through the layers of gloss on my strat and begin wearing down the paint under my right wrist. figure i'd have to start wearing a bracelet for that though.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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