Originally Posted by Veronica Lodge
I use Protools daily. There is a major difference between the way PC runs Protools, and a Mac runs Protools.
I would never use a "free" program in my profession. Imagine if albums were recorded on GarageBand? No. No dice, friends.
All I'm saying is that Mac's totally have a niche for people who NEED them. I think we are all in agreeance with this, no?
Strangely enough, Justice record on garageband....haha
I am shocking with technology and find the more user friendly non-nerd orientated playing field of the mac to be far superior for my uses. As for music software, i have a pro-tools set up, but can;t really be arsed using it for ****ty demos when I have an associate with a brilliant first class studio with all the equipment one could ever need at my disposal. Garageband is more than enough for all your ****ty demoing needs