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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 11-27-2008, 08:24 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
So now your an expert on business deals AND a mind reader. You can't possibly know what went on. If it was as cut and dry as you say it is why did he settle out of court?
Oh Urban please sit down some where...

Refrain from trying to prove a point which isn't there. Expert, Mind reader who said that? YOU said that not me. I don't know what went on and what was exactly said but its factual evidence that Michael went over to Bahrain. During his stay the prince and his father showered him with gifts. It was also in talks that he was suppose to record an album on his record label BUT it never happened.

Now, Just because YOU are unware of information and I am doesn't mean I'm claiming to know everything because you obviously don't because the lawsuit been dropped.

He didn't settle, the PRINCE wanted to settle. Michael was willing and ready to fight it but he went ALONG with it. The whole thing was stupid anyway, I'm glad its over before it could even start.
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