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Thread: Mac vs. PC
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Old 11-27-2008, 10:48 AM   #3 (permalink)
marquee moon
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Originally Posted by ToeAndno View Post
I think Macs these days are more about the image than the actual product.

A lot of people get them because other people have them and they seem 'cool' but they don't really understand why they would need a Mac.

I find a custom built PC will far out perform a Mac and for a fraction of the cost. i dont like Safari, iTunes is crap, I'm not keen on the latest OS but it's slightly better than windows (well, Vista).

Also, the most common defense for a Mac is 'it's so easy to use'. Maybe (actually yes) but if you're having probs getting to grips with computer basics then you need to look into it before you get left behind completely.
Macs are for people who just want things to work without having to custom build a PC. The computers are for people who ask, "why should I have to?" and just want the computers to work without having to worry about changing their operating systems (face it, Vista is ****). If they're having problem with computer basics, Apple Stores provide One to One training, free workshops, and plenty of tutorials online.

PCs are more compatible with more software as of now, but more and more products are being developed with both operating systems in mind.
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