Originally Posted by kaleidoscope..
Good convo..
Western society was built upon 'the family' and marrige...
Im kind of used to the fact that ***s can marry and whatever, it doesnt bother me any more. But i do think that it is making something (marrige/the family) that our countries were built upon into a meaningless farse.
i dont understand why people need to feel like they are accepted by society (***s being allowed to get married) when they know that they arent..if this PC cycle of looking out for the minority continues we are going to have every weird little group with their strange ideas wanting new legislation and laws to cater to their needs and wants.
just putting the other side out there... 
America (**** the rest of the western civilization!) was founded on freedom from religion and tea taxes. Family has nothing to do with either and it is important to get rid of all religious notions of what marriage stands for in context of how the government treats marriage. Once you do that, then the only issue ever should be consent. If people consent to being married it should be their right. Any other stance on the issue is just bigoted.