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Old 11-20-2008, 09:57 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I don't have a Guernsey accent , thank god.

in other news...


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Oh, well the Guernsey accent is interesting to say the least. The lady in the second video is completely clueless.

I think my accent is easily moulded because I tend to imbibe the accent and lingual mannerisms of a person when they speak. By lingual mannerisms, I mean words/phrases which are commonly used by them... for example, does someone say "What is the time?" or "What time is it?" or something completely different? And I notice Indians and Sri-Lankans tend to say 'today morning' instead of 'this morning' which I suppose is quite logical when you consider 'yesterday/today/tomorrow morning'. And everyone has a palette of words which they use regularly (containing I think 1000 words or so) - some people stick to that palette and some people go beyond it in daily conversation. Either way there are certain pet-words which people favour and will use regularly.

Anyway... this is why my accent is influenced by those with whom I speak. I've tried but failed to retain my Aussie accent so I've ended up with a harmless mix of the two.

Anyway, here's Alan on South Africans (and their accents). Too bad only half the scene is here.

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