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Old 11-20-2008, 04:09 PM   #34 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 115

Originally Posted by danceuntobridges View Post
Lets clear it up. Hardcore music is NOT all the same. Rifts, melodys, guitar distoration, and levels are mostly different if you carefully listen. Also, not every bands singer/screamer/w.e. can hit the same note or project in the same manner. Yes, the screaming part is maybe were we associate it genre, as "alike". Yet not all bands are as talented as others. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, therefore I think, these post are riduculous. Who cares if you don't like BMTH,.. who cares if you do?! The part about music, is no matter if you like the band or not, - if you appreciate music, you will appreciate the musicians. They work hard, and have there own way to distinquish there music from other bands in that genre (weither we see it or not). If they can make it in the music biz, (which we all know is NOT a piece of cake) than obviously they are doing something right for themselves and we should applaud them for thier dedication weither you, me, we, them, us, those people think they have talent or not.

Ease Up! No one is forcing you to listen.
Alright let's clear your post up. First of all, your grasp of the English language is pretty terrible. Secondly, this music is not "hardcore." Hardcore is a reference to hardcore punk, and BMTH is not hardcore punk. This is deathcore: death metal that is heavily influenced by hardcore. Anyway, I think what you're trying to say is that screamers don't sound exactly the same, and the bands play similar but not the exact same riffs. Of course this is true. It is not a literal statement when someone says, "they sound exactly like every other deathcore band." The truth is, BMTH sound similar enough to almost every other deathcore band that its hard to tell them apart by listening solely to their music, which is not a good thing; especially since deathcore is a ****ty genre to begin with. Your point about the "music biz" is also worthless. Has listening to metal taught you nothing? Commercial success does not mean that a band is actually good. I don't give a **** if the band can make it in the business, I just want a band that plays some good ****ing music. The point of a music forum is to discuss music, so naturally there are going to be some negative comments. It really bothers me when people say that we should applaud every band and never disagree because the sole purpose of people being here is to find more music and make sure other people aren't listening to ****ty music.

That's the end of my rant.
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