Lets clear it up. Hardcore music is NOT all the same. Rifts, melodys, guitar distoration, and levels are mostly different if you carefully listen. Also, not every bands singer/screamer/w.e. can hit the same note or project in the same manner. Yes, the screaming part is maybe were we associate it genre, as "alike". Yet not all bands are as talented as others. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, therefore I think, these post are riduculous. Who cares if you don't like BMTH,.. who cares if you do?! The part about music, is no matter if you like the band or not, - if you appreciate music, you will appreciate the musicians. They work hard, and have there own way to distinquish there music from other bands in that genre (weither we see it or not). If they can make it in the music biz, (which we all know is NOT a piece of cake) than obviously they are doing something right for themselves and we should applaud them for thier dedication weither you, me, we, them, us, those people think they have talent or not.
Ease Up! No one is forcing you to listen.