Just a couple things, Unfan, that I want to point out so you can refine your questions here;
1. Theres no actual law regulating the seperation of church and state. Unless its a state law, what we think of as a constitutional ban is mere suggestions in open letter (as I recall) from Thomas Jefferson. Its a precedent that we see as American.
2. You can't rationalize. Theres no religious or legal conviction here. These people hate ***s. That the end of the position. They hate ***s and they can hide behind two lines in Leviticus. Seperate but equal was a dismissed notion in the 60's. People didn't vote no on Prop 8 because they thought there was something logically wrong with it, there hate-filled people who we should have outright rebellion against.
3. We have a show here on Sunday nights called "1-in-10" which clearly discusses issues facing the GLBT community and they had this (paraphrased) comment last week:
"You know these protests are starting now, and these Mormons used a lot of incorrect information to mobalize your vote but, you know, with 32% voter turn out, where were you? The people that stayed home, this is where we see a larger issue"
I don't know the city they mentioned but its irrelevent. You can't take for granted that people will do the right thing. If you're upset that things didn't turn out the way you'd wanted, you should look inward.
By the by, you can listen to 1-in-10 web-wide here (its on right now):
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