Originally Posted by 4ZZZ
If anyone compares Talkie Walkie to Moon Safari in style they are doing both an injustice. If push came to shove I would go for Talkie Walkie over Moon Safari. I had no expectations of Talkie Walkie when I first purchased it but was very pleasantly surprised and am still able to play it a few years later and enjoy it immensely without feeling any boredom at all. A few years back I was meeting work some colleagues in a coffee shop. Talkie Walkie was playing, in fact the instrumental Mike Mills, and as I ordered my coffee I congratulated them on their music selection. They were so impressed that I knew the track, let alone the album, I got the coffee on the house  .
how do you figure it's an injustice?
there was a departure from moon safari to 10 000Hz legend and then they seemed to take a step back. TW seems to be a collection of the pop song stylings they played with on their first two full lengths without any of the extended instrumentals featured on those albums. 'mike mills' is nice but ultimately doesn't really go anywhere. 'le voyage de penelope' is just as short yet says so much more to my ears.
i guess it's the difference between having expectations for an album vs. not.