Originally Posted by jackhammer
Have you heard Akphaezya? also try some Voivod and Celtic Frost's 'Into The Pandemonium'
Maudlin Of the Well are awesome too.
Already have Celtic Frost and Voivod. I've heard Akphaezya somewhere down the line but I don't remember enjoying them. Maudlin of the Well I have not yet heard, will check out.
Originally Posted by Demonoid
Arcturus might interest you. Not exactly similar to Fantomas or Meshuggah, but anyways definitely worth listening to!
'La masquerade infernale' is a bit weirder, but 'The Sham Mirrors' might be better to start with. And there's absolutely no black metal elements in both. I recently upped an album in this thread if you are interested.
'Omnio' by In the Woods... is also quite interesting. Let me know if you can't find it.
Maudlin of the well/Kayo Dot are also good choices.
I'll check 'em out. Thanks.