Music Banter - View Single Post - The 10 Track Mixtape Thread (Song Lists Without Links Will Be Deleted)
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Old 11-03-2008, 08:54 PM   #10 (permalink)
Fallout_at_The_Disco's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 18

The Greatest 10 Track Mix Tape you guys will ever see.

I accidently deleted what I was going to write so I'll make it short and sweet, the songs are, in this order:

1. The Sicilian Clan
2. Cold (Miss Ticker Mix)
3. Son of Mr. Greengenes
4. Why am I so Short?
5. (Follow up to Why am I so Short?) So Boot if at All
6. Moonlight on Vermont
7. Symmetrical Arizona
8. Heavenly Bank Account
9. Venus as a Boy
10. 1919 Version of Firebird Suite

As I said before, I did have descriptions of each song but I copied them and then accicently copied over them. I gaurantee anyone that has any sort of musical intelligence will enjoy this.
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